Hawaii volcano: The science behind the eruption of Kilauea


A river of lava engulfed everything in its path after the Kilauea volcano erupted on Hawaii’s Big Island.

A treacherous lava flow erupting from the Kilauea volcano on Hawaii’s Big Island destroyed more than two dozen homes, forced about 1,700 people to flee and upended a picturesque and peaceful community.

How unusual is this? The fact that Kilauea is blowing its top shouldn’t be a surprise: Kilauea, in the southeastern part of the Big Island, is one of the most active volcanoes in the world — and it has been erupting on and off for hundreds of thousands of years. 

Kilauea has been erupting continuously since 1983 with only occasional pauses of quiet activity. This particular episode  began late Thursday afternoon in Leilani Estates, a subdivision near the quaint town of Pahoa and 30 minutes south of Hilo.

More: On Hawaii’s Big Island: Near Volcano Kilauea, life ‘normal for none of us’; elsewhere, business as usual

Why is it erupting now? “We don’t know enough details about the internal plumbing to be able to give really precise answers to this question,” said Tracy Gregg, an associate professor of geology at the University at Buffalo. “The short answer is that a blob of new magma from deep below the volcano got injected up into the volcanic edifice.

“That, combined with the general instability of Kilauea volcano in general, has allowed the magma to erupt near Leilani Estates,” she said. The southeast flank of the volcano is unstable and will fall into the ocean someday, and as it slowly tears away from the rest of the volcano, it leaves an easy subterranean pathway for the magma to travel.

How long will the episode last?  “There’s more magma (underground lava) in the system to be erupted. As long as that supply is there, the eruption will continue,” U.S. Geological Survey volcanologist Wendy Stovall said.

In short: This eruption could be nearly finished or could go on for a long time.

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